Wednesday, August 25, 2010

color scheme and other headaches

Why is everyone sooo eager to get details about the wedding? I work full time and so does future hubby people. I am planning this thing myself so far. Kinda annoyed with the constant barrage of questions and needed updates...especially from people that should know that I had not planned on inviting them! Sigh.

Issue at hand - color scheme. Platinum & Plum. loves it! future hubby needs to be convinced though.

My current angst is trying to figure out how to save on the DJ. Music is crucial to a wedding. I've been to some BEAUTIFUL weddings that were not that fun because the music was not good. Some of the industry recommended are pricey. I'm kinda of scared to trust craigslist...but maybe if I do my homework and a try-outs I could find a reasonably priced one?

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