Monday, October 25, 2010

take the drama to your mama

Ok it's starting to become clear why brides turn into bridezillas! There is a constant battle (world war III) level between what I want, what hubby wants, what hubby and I want, what my sister wants, what my dad wants, what my relatives want!

I can't take this all on and still be sane! In my perfect dream reality everyone would just back off and let me plan the wedding that I have really wanted for a long time. Why is that so difficult? Instead of telling me what I need to do for this wedding I WISH people would come up to me and say, "Hey were very excited for your big day. What did you have in mind for xyz?"

I'm getting a lot of "this is what we are doing" and my response is "um well since I never in a million years wanted that or thought that looked cute I'm not doing it on my wedding day."

Don't get me wrong I'm a people pleaser but I have to put my foot down otherwise I'll be SOOO miserable on my wedding day.

I'm starting to have a "I don't give a f$#! attitude. I am not being rude or mean about it. I'll listen to your 2 cents but will decide on my own what I really want.

As the crazy train trudges forward I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wedding Industry Standard BS

Veils: Why on earth would a piece of tulle and a comb cost $300??? Has anyone in the WORLD ever gone to a wedding and said afterwards, "Her veil was sooo tacky." Um I doubt it. Especially when we are not talking about designer veils people. I'm talking about plain veils. Sure if you want yours bedazzled to the floor it might cost you...but a plain veil at anything more than $25 is a rip off! Slap "wedding" on something and the prices get insane!

I am determined to have a nice wedding that won't make us broke. I know this will be a fight but I am determined to make it happen. Operation: not getting ripped off is in full swing.

Wedding Industry Standard BS

I'm calling BS on a lot of things wedding! I know when most people think of weddings they get warm mushy feelings. I get that feeling at the thought of marrying future hubby :) But the wedding planning itself is kind of a pain in the arse.

I'm a fairly up front person and I feel that "wedding industry standard" is full of hiding stuff from the bride! Examples you ask? Here we go:

-Venue minimums. Many hotels and other venues will have a Saturday minimum that you have to spend if you want to use their venue. In my neck of the woods I've been quoted from $12,000 - $15,000. That's fine with me...I understand that they are running a business. I take issue with me calling you on the phone....we talk for 30 min. about how great your venue send me menu options (leading me to believe that this sums up the costs for the venue)...insist I come take a look at the venue. I leave work early to take a tour and only after further digging do you drop the venue min. Why on earth would you waste both your time and my time by not disclosing that from the jump? You know I'm not a wedding planner! Fill me in. Now I've wasted all this time when I could have been taking a tour of another site!

color scheme and other headaches

Why is everyone sooo eager to get details about the wedding? I work full time and so does future hubby people. I am planning this thing myself so far. Kinda annoyed with the constant barrage of questions and needed updates...especially from people that should know that I had not planned on inviting them! Sigh.

Issue at hand - color scheme. Platinum & Plum. loves it! future hubby needs to be convinced though.

My current angst is trying to figure out how to save on the DJ. Music is crucial to a wedding. I've been to some BEAUTIFUL weddings that were not that fun because the music was not good. Some of the industry recommended are pricey. I'm kinda of scared to trust craigslist...but maybe if I do my homework and a try-outs I could find a reasonably priced one?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wedding Planning

Um. The way they make it look on t.v. is so NOT how it really is. I'm stressed...but I think I can do it. Ok so I was drowning in planning process and spoke to a planner. Started to feel like this person got me and could help me put this thing together... Feeling great until she blew me off! Ok she gave a reason but I'm not sure I'm buying it.

I am determined to have a NICE wedding that doesn't bankrupt us! It can be done in these expensive neck of the woods. You just have to be SUPER creative.

Ways to save
-Do the invites, menu cards, seating cards yourself
-use unique material to make your own aisle runner (wallpaper, Indian fabric?)
-use a free lance photographer to do your wedding (instead of the super expensive wedding crew)
-buy a sample sale dress then sell it
-get your veil (and other accessories) off
-do the favors yourself

more cost saving ideas to come

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Very excited. Now I can go crazy with my wedding ideas!!! Well I have been thinking about this for a min.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Reality Show Junkie

Ok I don't even watch real t.v. anymore. My latest reality show run was "What Chilli Wants" on VH1. This guy aka Farmer D aka Daron Joffe was in the final two. Can we say HOT. There will be a Season 2 and I hope he is brought back somehow. He is amazing. Watch the show and you'll see what I mean.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Angels & Demons

Starring Tom Hanks. I just saw this on cable. Not as good as The DaVinci Code. Lacked the suspense that the first movie had but not bad...just okay. B-.

cake toppers has the cutest cake toppers. These are made out of paper and I just love them. Kind of on the pricey side at around $75-$100 but so unique. Just got to figure out how to perserve them?


Life is good. Got a smile on my face...(life not perfect...many things I COULD be stressing about) but you know what... I've gotten this far in life by just figuring it out I'm sure I will be just fine.

Meryl Davis and Charlie White

Ice dancing! Who knew that this would be the sport I HAD to watch during the Winter Olympics. My new obsession is Meryl Davis and Charlie White. I love everything about their dance style. I always liked skating but never paid attention to ice dancing. Mainly because in the early 90's the sport was dominated by Russian teams with alot of tattered costumes. These guys are young and dynamic. Looking forward to their upcoming season.