Friday, March 7, 2008

Movie Review: Jumpers

Okay so I saw it. Afterwards I felt like it was missing a plot. Hayden comes off to me as being so stiff and wooden I don't believe him in any of his roles (I'm not just saying that I've seen him in the Star Wars trilogy and Awake). The time line of events was kind of ridiculous. I really miss well made quality movies with smart plots. Next time I see one that has those qualities I will let you know.

Not to be totally negative I'll suggest a movie in this genre that was pretty good. X-Men. Mainly because we met Hugh Jackman for the first time. The first one was the best (IMHO)...good plot (as far as comic book characters go). I hear that there will be another one coming out that will focus on Wolverine. Can't wait!

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