Monday, October 31, 2011

Dancing With the Stars

Who knew that ballroom dancing would interest me so much?  Maksgate has seemed to be dying down thank goodness.  Yeah I wasn't feeling him 100% in what he had to say.  More had an issue with how and when he chose to say it.  I'm annoyed but now I'm over it.  In checking out other blogs it seems that the Maks haters have come out the woodwork.  The consensus is how dare Maks bring Derek into this in his GMA interview.  I agree he should have kept his mouth shut on that one.  Trust me I think Maks give people  reasons to dislike him.  What I find weird is the whole Maks v. Derek thing.  Actually is more Maks fans v. Derek fans.  That battle is so....I don't know...lame.  Maybe because I haven't watched the show since season 1 but dear lord people are getting real vicious all in the name of protecting Derek.  My guess is that Derek and Maks know each other....have know each other and are guys.  Guys have beef then 2 minutes later they are all good.  My guess is they were over it 5 minutes after it happened.  Can't wait for a Halloween themed show tonight. 

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