Monday, March 5, 2012

MTV Battle of the Exes

I haven't watched these challenges in YEARS.  They got super lame after Road Rules was eliminated and it just became a bunch of random people vs. the most recent Real World Cast.  That was until I saw this season.  Talk about drama.  The Challenges also started to seriously go south once it became all about an alliance.  Kenny, Johnny Bananas, and Evan were the down fall of the show!  This season has been interesting.

Though they are no longer on the show Cara Maria and Abram were interesting.  I went back and watched some of their season on Challenge Cutthroat (damn those commerials at  Cara Maria has posted some webisode? on youtube of her relationship with Abram.  Really just them taking road trips and doing domestic stuff.  From watching this season and the aftershow it seems like Cara Maria doesn't know what she wants and Abram is in love.  I predict that he'll move on after getting frustrated enough.  Or Cara Maria will have the guts to break up with Abram.  It feels like she doesn't want to commit so she should let him that he can move on.  It's like, "I'm not sure if I want you but I really don't want anyone else to have you."  She should be careful because that's playing with fire and someones emotions.


Ok another season of fun shall begin soon.  There is one DWTS website (that shall remain nameless).  What a bunch of bitter hens.  Correction 1 major bitter hen with a big stick up her ass with her dislike for one male dancer.  Have not gone to that site because 1. it is grating on my brain 2. this chick can't let last season go and I can GURANTEE that she will bring it up EVERY chance she gets.  I just want to enjoy the dance and fun.  Take it for what it is people!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Battle of the Snow Whites

Ok so I heard that there will be 2 adult, live action Snow White movies coming out.  Mirror Mirror not my cup of tea.  It looks like Julia Roberts playing dress up and has the mood of the wonderfully depressing and drab Alice in Wonderland. Snow White and the Huntsman actually looks like a good action piece with the feeling of Lord of the Rings behind it.  Too bad it doesn't come out until June or so of next year.  We need some good movies now!  Nothing I am really looking forward to coming out right now so I'll wait for the following on DVD

-Blue Valentine

And whatever other indie pick jem that I can find.


This season has been a let down in more ways than 1.
1. No fun Maks --more angry, bitter Maks :(
2. Outside drama that has nothing to do with dancing :(
3. Not a season full of great dancers (exception being JR and Ricki).

Sigh.  Just feeling weary and exhausted. Is this season over yet?  Judges made it clear that they want Rob in the final.  Not hating on Rob but I guess I am not as in love with him as the judges.  He's ok....but nowhere near as good as JR or Ricki.  I am never Wowed by his peformances but appreciate the effort he has put in.  I wish the judges would recognize Hope for the same.

Anyways I need to find another reality show to tune into as this one is winding down.  I just want to cast my vote for the following people to do DWTS (unlikely as it is!)

1. Meryl Davis
2. Charlie White
3. Johnny Weir
4. Cedric the Entertainer
5. Nastia Liukin

Hmm. Can't think of anyone else at the moment but PLEASE get some dancers on the show for the love of humanity!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Work Stress

Can I just say that it sucks when you have a co-worker that refuses to pull their own weight.  I am patting myself on the back for saying no though.  I refuse to help you accomplish your goal of not doing work.  The countdown begins to when it is no longer my problem!

Dancing With the Stars

Who knew that ballroom dancing would interest me so much?  Maksgate has seemed to be dying down thank goodness.  Yeah I wasn't feeling him 100% in what he had to say.  More had an issue with how and when he chose to say it.  I'm annoyed but now I'm over it.  In checking out other blogs it seems that the Maks haters have come out the woodwork.  The consensus is how dare Maks bring Derek into this in his GMA interview.  I agree he should have kept his mouth shut on that one.  Trust me I think Maks give people  reasons to dislike him.  What I find weird is the whole Maks v. Derek thing.  Actually is more Maks fans v. Derek fans.  That battle is so....I don't know...lame.  Maybe because I haven't watched the show since season 1 but dear lord people are getting real vicious all in the name of protecting Derek.  My guess is that Derek and Maks know each other....have know each other and are guys.  Guys have beef then 2 minutes later they are all good.  My guess is they were over it 5 minutes after it happened.  Can't wait for a Halloween themed show tonight. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Maksim Chmerkovskiy

The reason I'm watching Dancing with the Stars.

And I'm Back...

Wedding is done :) So happy with how it turned out. Will probably blog about that later. It was my life for the last year so I am glad the planning is done. Major shake up on the job front. I am changing offices and I looking forward to being in a new environment...though I will miss the old one :(

Monday, October 25, 2010

take the drama to your mama

Ok it's starting to become clear why brides turn into bridezillas! There is a constant battle (world war III) level between what I want, what hubby wants, what hubby and I want, what my sister wants, what my dad wants, what my relatives want!

I can't take this all on and still be sane! In my perfect dream reality everyone would just back off and let me plan the wedding that I have really wanted for a long time. Why is that so difficult? Instead of telling me what I need to do for this wedding I WISH people would come up to me and say, "Hey were very excited for your big day. What did you have in mind for xyz?"

I'm getting a lot of "this is what we are doing" and my response is "um well since I never in a million years wanted that or thought that looked cute I'm not doing it on my wedding day."

Don't get me wrong I'm a people pleaser but I have to put my foot down otherwise I'll be SOOO miserable on my wedding day.

I'm starting to have a "I don't give a f$#! attitude. I am not being rude or mean about it. I'll listen to your 2 cents but will decide on my own what I really want.

As the crazy train trudges forward I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wedding Industry Standard BS

Veils: Why on earth would a piece of tulle and a comb cost $300??? Has anyone in the WORLD ever gone to a wedding and said afterwards, "Her veil was sooo tacky." Um I doubt it. Especially when we are not talking about designer veils people. I'm talking about plain veils. Sure if you want yours bedazzled to the floor it might cost you...but a plain veil at anything more than $25 is a rip off! Slap "wedding" on something and the prices get insane!

I am determined to have a nice wedding that won't make us broke. I know this will be a fight but I am determined to make it happen. Operation: not getting ripped off is in full swing.