Saturday, April 25, 2009

Movie Review: The Wrestler

Very good movie. I was hoping it would make me cry. It didn't but I still thought it was touching. Mickey Rourke is a very good actor with all the drama in his life I think I forgot about that. If you can get past the exterior (which isn't that hard to do) his performance was awesome. I hope to see him in more stuff.

Movie Review: 17 Again

From what I've heard this movie has been getting trashed. It wasn't that bad. Creepy in some spots when the daughter is attracted to the teenage version of her father. What was actually kinda touching and not creepy was teenage Zac Efron falling for his adult wife. Now don't get me wrong I am too damn old to be into Zac Efron but the kid is appealing. Cute boy but not really feeling the side swept hair do. I have to say I wrote him off especially with all the HSM publicity. He's a cute guy and as he gets older I think his fan base will include an older demographic.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Movie Review: X-Men Orgins - Wolverine

Hugh Jackman did make this role. They could have done more with the Gambit the comic book he was so much fun. I mean really powers that include gambling! But then again the comic goes into greater detail on all the characters. Overall I liked it but kinda predictable in some spots. I give a medium warm thumbs up.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

where ya been?

it's been tooo long. i need to get back to my thoughts so i'm back. did anyone miss me? blogging is definately a much needed escape from the drama of work and office politics. Now i just got to get creative and start blogging again.